

Psychedelic Preparation/Integration

Entheogens hold immense power to open us up in ways unlike anything we’ve ever known. The experience itself has the capacity to change our lives dramatically- however many find that the insights, healings and changes don’t last. Together, we will help contextualize your psychedelic journeys with preparation and post-integration, often utilizing the tools of EFT, IFS, and microdosing. This is the path of true and lasting transformation.



EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques is a tool I commonly use in practice with psychedelic integration. It is a therapeutic technique involving tapping the acupuncture meridians with our fingertips while processing emotions, bodily sensations, trauma and belief systems with the light of our own hearts. IFS, or Internal Family Systems, is a therapeutic modality that works with the different parts of our being to bring more inner peace, coherence, and access to our true Self. I oftentimes utilize both EFT and IFS together to guide clients through a unique and deeply therapeutic experience in our online sessions.


SOMA Breath

SOMA Breath is a distinct and contemporary form of breathwork that incorporates deep rhythmic breathing with trance inducing music, guided meditation, and manifestation work. This practice can be offered in person and online, and allows people to experience psychedelic states without the use of an exogenous compound. It also helps prepare people for undertaking a psychedelic journey, and can help them integrate a past journey.



Kambo is a sacred medicine derived from the Giant Waxy Tree Frog of the Amazon basin. A completely legal substance, the medicine is applied in small dots to superficial burns the in the skin that brings the person through an immediate purge process; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. While often regarded as just a physical cleansing, I perceive Kambo as a spiritual medicine that holds deep intelligence to help us identify, release and heal that which is no longer serving us. Commonly used alongside Ayahuasca, it is a potent, non-psychedelic (generally) medicine to help us prepare for/integrate journeys, and to heal in its own right.

Psychedelic Cannabis Healing

Did you know that cannabis is actually a potent and profoundly transformational psychedelic medicine? Not often regarded as such, with a long history of demonization, this common yet misunderstood plant has the power to completely revolutionize your life. We’re not simply talking about getting “stoned,” here, this is so much more. 

When taken in a safe and contained space with one or two facilitators, psychedelic cannabis experiences can be profoundly healing. While the healing force of the medicine does much of the work, the relational safety developed over time with Hart, in conjunction with the therapeutic modalities implemented (IFS, somatic techniques and bodywork), the depth of healing can go beyond merely what the medicine instigates. Psychedelic cannabis commonly mimics other classic psychedelics like MDMA, Psilocybin, LSD, Ayahuasca and DMT.

Ceremonial Space-holding

Experience being held in a safe, guided and unconditionally loving way. It is a huge privilege and honor to hold space for those looking to explore their inner landscapes through peak experiences, and to witness them in their transformational processes.

I do not encourage, condone or participate in the use of illegal substances of any kind. No psychedelic compounds will be provided for you, and there are also many ways to access peak states of consciousness through the breath, movement, music and legal compounds.

Space-holding is offered both in person and online.

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